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Hands On Technology Transfer

.NET MVC Programming Course

Attend face-to-face, remote-live, on-demand or on site at your facility.

On-Demand Training with Personal Facilitation

ASP.NET MVC Programming Using C# and .NET6

Delivery Options: Attend face-to-face in the classroom, remote-live or via on-demand training.


Face-to-face or remote-live: $2495

On-demand: $1495

Discounts: We offer multiple discount options. Click here for more information.


Face-to-face or remote-live: 5 Days

On-demand: Approximately 35 hours of coursework with personal facilitation, to be completed in a four week span.


Face-to-face: Click here to view our schedules and register for in-person sessions.

Remote-live: Click here to register for live remote class sessions within a date range of your choosing.

On-demand: Click here to register for on-demand training with personal facilitation, on a start date of your choosing.

Students Will Learn

  • Using Visual Studio to create C# applications
  • Working with .NET data types
  • Creating variables with the proper scope and using operators to build complex expressions
  • Designing and using classes
  • Using control structures such as if, while and for
  • Using procedures to build complex applications
  • Throwing and trapping exceptions using the try and catch statements
  • Using single and multi-dimensional arrays
  • Working with .NET collections
  • Using LINQ to make queries
  • Defining and implementing interfaces
  • Working with enumerations
  • Architecture of ASP.NET MVC web applications
  • Using Visual Studio's project templates to create specific types of MVC applications
  • Using MVC's Dependency Injection container to create application-scoped services
  • Creating controllers containing action methods to process HTTP requests
  • Using the Razor view engine to design ASP.NET MVC views to render responses to HTTP requests
  • Creating data model classes manually and by using the Entity Framework to populate strongly-typed views
  • Creating custom ASP.NET MVC routes
  • Using Visual Studio's tools to create and run tests for ASP.NET MVC applications
  • Securing and deploying ASP.NET MVC web applications

Course Description

This course provides students with hands on experience using Visual Studio to create dynamic web applications using ASP.NET MVC, C#, and .NET6. The class provides a thorough introduction to the C# programming language, including coverage of the essentials of the C# programming language, built in data types, operators, control structures, classes and methods, collections and exception handling.

Students learn how to leverage the power of the Model-View-Controller design pattern with the ASP.NET MVC design pattern to separate the layers of a web application. Students will use the Razor view engine to design a user interface, and will learn how to build models to manage an application's data layer using both the Entity Framework and LINQ. Students also learn how to build controllers containing action methods to manage communication between views and models.

Other topics include data scaffolding; URL routing; implementing security; unit testing; and deploying ASP.NET MVC applications. Comprehensive labs provide the students with experience creating, debugging, testing and deploying dynamic ASP.NET MVC applications.

This course provides thorough coverage of the use of ASP.NET MVC for creation of web applications. Students requiring additional coverage of ASP.NET Web Forms, Windows Forms, WCF or Windows Presentation Foundation should contact HOTT or refer to HOTT's complete course listing for additional training courses.

Students who are already familiar with C# language syntax and wish to learn about ASP.NET MVC applications in the context of .NET6 may want to take the 3-day ASP.NET MVC Programming for Experienced C# Programmers Using .NET6 course instead.

Students who are already familiar with C# language syntax and wish to learn about ASP.NET MVC applications in the context of .NET Frameworks 4.0 through 4.8 may want to take the 3-day ASP.NET MVC Programming for Experienced C# Programmers class instead.

Course Prerequisites

Knowledge of fundamental HTML syntax is helpful, but not required. Prior experience with a scripting or programming language is required.

Course Overview

Introduction to .NET
  • Overview of the .NET Framework
  • How .NET is Different from Traditional Programming
  • Common Language Runtime (CLR)
  • Common Language Specification (CLS)
  • Common Type System (CTS)
  • .NET Assemblies
  • Microsoft Intermediate Language (CIL)
  • .NET Namespaces
  • .NET Framework Class Library
Introduction to Visual Studio
  • Creating a Project
  • Using the Code Editor
  • Correcting Syntax Errors
  • Setting Project Properties
  • Adding References
  • Compiling a Program
  • Running a Program
  • Debugging a Program
  • Using the MSDN (Help)
Language Fundamentals
  • C# Program Structure
  • Defining Namespaces
  • Understanding C# Data Types
  • Defining Variables and Constants
  • Comparing Value Types vs. Reference Types
  • Working with Operators and Expressions
  • Performing Type Conversions
  • Using Console I/O
  • Formatting Numbers, Date and Times
Conditionals and Looping
  • if/else
  • switch
  • while and do/while
  • for
  • foreach
Methods and Parameters
  • Defining Static and Instance Methods
  • Passing Parameters by value and by reference
  • Overloading Methods
  • Using Variable Length Parameter Lists
Exception Handling
  • What are Exceptions?
  • .NET Exception Hierarchy
  • Catching Exceptions
  • Throwing Exceptions
  • Managing Resources with Finally
  • Defining and Using Arrays
  • Understanding System.Array
  • .NET Collections vs Generic Collections
  • Working with Lists
  • Working with Dictionaries
  • Using LINQ to Objects
Object-Oriented Programming
  • Overview of Object-Oriented Programming
  • Building Classes
  • Defining Properties
  • Using Auto-Implemented Properties
  • Defining Methods
  • Understanding Constructors
  • Extending .NET Classes via Inheritance
  • Defining and Implementing Interfaces
  • Understanding the Role of Interfaces in .NET
Overview of ASP.NET MVC
  • Overview of Model-View-Controller Design Pattern
  • ASP.NET MVC Application Architecture
  • Understanding the MVC Execution Process
  • Building an ASP.NET MVC Application Using Visual Studio
  • Visual Studio MVC Project Templates
  • Using a web.config File
Startup and Services
  • Fundamentals of Dependency Injection
  • Using the default DI container
  • Using the Startup file
  • Creating Services and Controlling Service Lifetime
  • Building an ASP.NET MVC Application Using Visual Studio Project Templates
  • Using Bootstrap CSS for the UI
Developing Views
  • Creating Views
  • Using the Razor View Engine
  • Using ViewBag to Pass Controller Data
  • Using HTML Helpers
Developing Models
  • Creating Model Classes
  • Working with Strongly-Typed Views
  • Validating User Input
  • Using Data Annotations for Display
  • Working with the Entity Framework
  • Working with LINQ to SQL
  • Using Scaffolding to Generate Views
Developing Controllers
  • Creating Controllers
  • Defining Action Methods
  • Working with HTML Form Data
  • Mapping URLs to Action Methods
  • Understanding ActionResult Types
  • Using Model Binding
Routing Control
  • Understanding Routing in ASP.NET MVC
  • Defining URL Routes
  • Registering Routes
  • Adding Constraints to Routes
  • Using Attribute Routing
MVC Unit Testing
  • Test-Driven Development
  • Designing Test Cases
  • Creating Unit Tests
  • Using xUnit for Testing
  • Using Visual Studio Test Explorer
Securing MVC Applications
  • ASP.NET Security
  • Securing the Application with Individual Accounts
  • Securing the Application with Windows Accounts
  • Using Attributes to Leverage Access
  • Defending against Attacks
    • Cross-site Scripting
    • Session Hijacking
    • SQL Injection
    • Input Forgery
Deploying ASP.NET MVC Applications
  • Understanding the Kestrel Web Server
  • Using Publish Profiles
  • Choosing a Deployment Destination
  • App Config using Environments
  • Configuring IIS for ASP.NET MVC Deployment

Course Schedule

Choose a city below to view a schedule and registration options. If you have any questions, please call us at 978-250-4299 between 9:00 am - 5:00 pm EST.