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Hands On Technology Transfer

Introduction to Programming Concepts

Attend this course on-demand with personal facilitation.

On-Demand Training with Personal Facilitation

Introduction to Programming Concepts

Delivery Options: This course is available via on-demand training.

Price: This course is free when taken with any other HOTT course. Contact Us for more information.

Duration: Approximately 7 hours of coursework, to be completed in a four week span.

Registration: Click here to register for on-demand training, on a start date of your choosing.

Students Will Learn

  • Basic computer terminology and jargon
  • Programming tasks: Analysis and requirements gathering
  • Programming tasks: Design and planning
  • Programming tasks: Coding
  • Programming tasks: Testing
  • Programming tasks: Deployment/Documentation
  • Programming tasks: Maintenance
  • The nature, pros and cons of compiled vs. interpreted languages
  • The steps of compiling: parsing, optimization, object code, linking, executable images
  • How to write and compile a rudimentary C program
  • Programming styles: imperative, structured, procedural, object-oriented, declarative, and functional
  • The utility of stand-alone, distributed, client-server and web-enabled programming
  • Statements, commands, comments and reserved words
  • Routines, subroutines, functions and libraries
  • Control flow structures
  • Algorithms

Course Description

Courses that teach programming languages tend to focus on the particulars of each language (as they should), expending only minimal time discussing basic universal programming concepts. Students who are new to programming may find themselves engrossed in discussions of the details of matters such as control flow operators, executable images, third generation languages, and logical operators before they really understand the concepts. This situation can leave the student lost or frustrated or both.

This Introduction to Programming course introduces such universal programming concepts and is offered for the aspiring programmer so that they will never be left behind for want of having the foundational knowledge that is necessary to learn and advance.

Course Prerequisites

Rudimentary knowledge of computer systems. For this programming concepts course, students should know how to basically operate a computer, browse the world wide web, send and receive email messages, and write and print memos.

Course Overview

The Essence of Programming
  • The language of computers
  • Computer components
  • Hardware and software
  • Operating systems
  • Programs
The Tasks of Programmers
  • Analysis and requirements gathering
  • Design and planning
  • Coding
  • Testing
  • Deployment/Documentation
  • Maintenance
  • Your job
Types of Programming
  • Computer languages
  • Machine code
  • Early programming
  • The evolution of programming languages
  • First Generation Languages
  • Second Generation Languages
  • Third Generation Languages
  • Fourth Generation Languages
  • Fifth Generation Languages
  • Compilers
  • The process of compiling
  • Practical compiling
  • Interpreted languages
  • Pros and cons of compiled and interpreted languages
  • Imperative programming
  • Structured programming
  • Procedural programming
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Declarative programming
  • Functional programming
  • Stand-alone programs
  • Distributed programming
  • Client-server programming
  • Web-enabled programming
  • Textual programming
  • IDEs
  • Visual programming
Statements and Storage
  • The organization of programs
  • Libraries
  • Declaring and initializing variables and constants
  • Data types: integers, floats, Booleans, characters, arrays, structures, objects, pointers
  • Proper data typing
  • Allocation
  • Static and dynamic data typing
  • Strong and weak data typing
  • Scope
  • Inheritance
Operators and Control Flow
  • Assignment operators
  • Arithmetic operators
  • Relational operators
  • Conditional operators
  • Logical operators
  • Bitwise operators
  • Special operators
  • if, if-then, if-then-else statements
  • case or switch-case statements
  • for or foreach statements
  • while statements
  • do-while statements
The Language of Programming
  • Algorithms
  • Strings
  • Regular expressions
  • Input/Output
  • Graphical user interfaces
  • Events
  • Frameworks
  • Debugging
  • Compile time vs. run time errors
  • Database programming
  • Technical communities
  • Benchmarks
  • Protocols
The Real World
  • Working with the Command Prompt
  • Customizing your environment
  • Help
  • Online documentation
  • Batch files and scripts
  • Installing and using a compiler
  • Man pages
  • Writing a C program
  • Debugging C programs


I started a bootcamp with [company name redacted] and quit after about a week because I was lost. After this course, I was SO READY to move onto real programming courses. THANKS!

I did not take this course, but I did direct several individuals who were transitioning into technical work to take it. They (and I) am glad I did! I've never seen a course that introduces so much so well!

I was really nervous about whether I had the necessary background to take (and successfully complete) a programming course, and I was SO HAPPY when HOTT suggested this course for me -- and at no additional charge! This made everything else easy.